Certifications and accreditations for TRAINING and Facilitating professionals

Train the trainer, licensed content, turn-key event delivery methods and solutions

Certifications and Accreditations Cover

Recognition credibility and validation of the professional experience

These courses have been designed to ensure the fastest possible transfer of theoretical and practical knowledge to the trainees. 
In this way you can use the techniques and skills learned from the first day of work after the course.

Choose your option

Development of knowledge, skills, practice, preparation for certification

ACL Cover

ACL Leadership Trainer Accreditation

Get ready to deliver your own ACL courses with Adair Leadership accredited materials.

Time at Work Cover

Time@Work Trainer Accreditation

Discover and use the Time@Work method for Time Management courses.

Sales@Work Trainer Accreditation

Be ready to deliver sales training at a professional level by achieving the Sales@Work accreditation.

ITrain Academy – Train the Trainer course

Take part in the iTrain Academy trainer certification course

ROI Specialist Accreditation for HR

Demonstrate understanding and practice ROI 4×4 to justify HR initiatives.

Persolog Personality Factor Model Certification Cover

persolog Personality Factor Model Certification

Influence and persuasion skills adapted to the client’s personality profile

persolog personal Resilience Model Certification 

Develop your communication and interaction skills for value-centered selling

Remote Training Delivery Cover

Remote training delivery accreditation

Mastering remote training delivery with CARTA

Looking for something else?

Is it similar to what you’re looking for, but do you want something else? Let us know and we will help you with a customized solution. Access the contact information here