Contact - Axioma

Training for the development of management of teams and specialists

in the areas of Projects, Agile, Operational, and Sales, by using EXPERIENTIAL learning.

Better People // Better Results


Let's get in touch!

We're looking forward to hearing about your development initiatives. 
Find us using the contact details below. 

Axioma Solutions UK

Axioma Solutions UK Limited
56 , Elton Avenue GREENFORD Middlesex
United Kingdom UB6 0PP

Landline: +44 (0) 203 239 53 72 (available only during working hours)


Registered in England and Wales
Company Code: 09696998
VAT Registration Code: 249 2157 95

Axioma Solutions - Romania

Axioma Solutions SRL

Cotroceni Business Center, Corp U etaj 4, Bd. Iuliu Maniu nr 7, Bucuresti, sectorul 6, Romania, cod postal 061072

Telefon: 0756 218 186, 0771 229 767 

Nr. Reg. Comertului: J40/3087/2003
Cod TVA: RO15255584
Capital Social: 25.000 lei

Аксиома Солюшънс България ООД

Варна, Хан Кубрат 9

+359 878 800 506