Training courses Axioma

Access training category

In class training and online in LIVE format

Carta Category Cover

Project Management Training

From the first steps to mastery and certification. Find the right option for you.

Agile Scrum Master Cover

Agile, SCRUM, SAFe Certifications

Ready for the transition to Agile? Find the answers and support for the agility you need.

Leadership Cover

Management and Leadership

Leadership skills for managers. From Team Leadership to Strategic Leadership.

Sales Cover

Value Centred Selling Courses

From communication skills and sales process to Value Selling and Trusted Advisor.

Soft Skills Cover

Soft Skills for better productivity

What are the skills you could use to get better results while working with others?

Certifications and Accreditations Cover

Certifications and accrediations

Validated delivery methods, professional credibility, validation and community access.

Business Process Management

Training for Mapping, Managing, Optimizing business processes

Team Events

Cooperation, Collaboration, Trust, Values, Change. What is your favorite topic?

Remote Training Delivery Cover

CARTA Train the Trainer

Become a training delivery expert in training for in-class and virtual LIVE delivery.