So, Let’s Talk Behaviour

by David Minchin

So, just to remind you my podcast ‘MINCH on …’ is designed to cover topics that may be helpful as a reminder to some, and also for those who just haven’t thought about the topic before.

Many of the topics not only apply to working life, but also to social interaction, answering some of the questions about why people do and say certain things in different situations.


This topic is about behaviour, something we don’t talk about much … if ever …

I describe behaviour as what we say, how we say it… and our body language or if you prefer, call it non verbal behaviour. You know things like eye contact, gestures etc.

In previous years, I’ve been using a behavioural profile with groups on courses such as communication skills, leadership development, team working and the rest… In other words, in anything where people interact with each other..

I have found after having hundreds of individuals  completing the questionnaire and experiencing the subsequent profile…well over 95% of those involved… agreed with the outcome. More recently I came across a similar but far more comprehensive behaviour profile produced by Persolog Academy and Publishing House. Contact me at if you would like to know more about it.

So why would anyone want a profile of their own behaviour? Basically we all have a preferred style of behaviour in different focuses. So a focus could be work, another could be… say socialising. We’ve all known someone who is always very serious at work but when out on the town… they are life and soul of the party, or just downright crazy! Maybe we have also known people where the opposite is true, less common I hope.

So when completing the very straightforward questionnaire, the individual needs to have the focus in mind. The scope of this profile is wide and sometimes couples complete a profile to understand their partners better. An interesting fact is that none of the profiles are wrong, they’re  just different, so the results tend to show that we fall into one of four main behavioural dimensions.

So these four dimensions breakdown as follows:

1 The person is assertive, decisive, straight talking and self confident

2 The person is inspiring, talkative, optimistic and potentially emotional.

3 The person is a team player, pragmatic, supportive, reliable & modest.

4 The person is careful, analytical, logical, accurate and reserved.

The actual profile has a lot of detailed information and helps people become more self aware and improve interactions with others if its needed and if they wish to. I would imagine that if you go back to just one of the dimensions lets say -The person is assertive, decisive, straight talking, self confident. You will be able to think of someone you know or you’ve known in the past that might fit. Did you think of someone?

Finally, remember… the behaviour profile isn’t just about understanding ourselves, it’s about building better connections with those around us.

Anyway, thanks for reading, stay curious and keep learning.

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