Mini MBA course
Training for managers in only 5 days

Imagine cover Curs mini MBA Axioma

What is Mini-MBA?

A management and leadership program with an emphasis on the practical aspects. Its main objectives are carrying out the knowledge transfer and the development of skills necessary for the role of a manager.

5 days TBD English, Romanian In-class Virtual, Remote

Who should attend?

The following profiles will benefit from this course:

  • Managers and team coordinators
  • First time managers
  • Employees with high leadership potential (HiPo)
  • Managers who want to understand and apply the ACL model in the workplace

What do participants get?

By the end of this course you will:

  • Acquire key knowledge for leading people, teams and organizational structures
  • Strengthen the skills of productive interaction with employees in the role of manager
  • Acknowledged the essential set of tools necessary for business management and administration

Mini-MBA course trainers

Marian Stirbescu

Senior Trainer, ACL coach

Certified trainer, experience in project management, management and operations. Marian is passionate about human nature and is constantly concerned with how you can interact productively with others.

Adrian Badea Trainer Axioma
Adrian Badea

Senior Trainer, ACL coach

Certified trainer with experience in Sales, Management and Human Resources. Adrian is always focused on building and maintaining trust through strong, functional relationships.

Mini-MBA course agenda

The topics will be delivered in an experiential format, covering the following areas:

  1. The company in the business environment
  • Self-awareness
  • Inventory of competence areas
  • How companies work
  • Porter Model

2. Business processes and organizational culture

  • Process management
  • Process inventory
  • Change
  • Organizational culture

3. Defining the company’s direction

  • Vision
  • Mission
  • Objectives
  • Strategy
  • Tactics

4.1 Management and leadership

  • Achieving performance, the managerial role, human resources development
  • Approaches in leadership: Quality, Situational, Functional (Action centered), Servant Leadership
  • Team leadership – operational and strategic

4.2 Leadership skills for managers

  • Feedback for performance
  • Coaching
  • Delegating
  • Decision making
  • Motivating employees
  • Negotiation

5. Bringing opportunities to fruition through projects

  • About projects
  • Triple constraint
  • Goal Definition
  • Planning
  • Risk Management

6. Finance for non-finance

  • Profit – the main objective
  • Double Representation
  • Financial performance indicators
  • Financial statements and reporting
  • Cost-benefit analysis
  • Fixed assets and depreciation
  • PV, NPV, IRR


We offer price options for individual participation and for groups.
For groups of more than 10 participants variable discount is included for courses dedicated to your organization.

PrIce per participant

1-9 participants


For individual participation or groups of up to 9 participants


price per group

10-15 participants


Fixed price for groups of 10 to 15 participants


*All prices are VAT Exclusive

Customized training

Dedicated sessions

Dedicated sessions are available for a minimum of 8 participants.

Looking for something different?

Is this option not quite what you’re seeking? Give us a sign and we’ll help with a personalised solution.

In-house sessions

Do you have a group of at least 8 colleagues interested in this topic and would you like to organise a dedicated session for your company? 

Let’s get in touch!

Are you looking for something different?

If this isn’t exactly what you’re after, let us know, and we’ll develop a tailored solution for you. Access our contact information here.