Project Management Course for
IT CompTIA Project +

with exam preparation

Discover the working method specific to IT projects
through a business simulation

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The Challenge

How do you grow from IT specialist to Project Manager?

It’s probably no longer a secret to you. You’ve seen how it works and you understand the organisational methods of the projects you are a part of. You already know what needs to be done and how to do it, and your experience grows with each completed project. You have already taken notice of how the technical knowledge you master is helpful, but it is not enough to lead others, interact with management teams, or to keep stakeholders happy.

You need more, you need to catch on to a validated structure, to expand your project management vocabulary, to learn new techniques with which to succeed every time, in any kind of IT project, anywhere in the world.

Are you ready for your professional level to be recognized by others?

Training Summary

Training in project management dedicated to IT specialists, which offers the possibility to access the CompTIA Project + certification exam

3 days TBD English, Romanian In-class Virtual, Remote
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Who should attend?

The following profiles will benefit from this course:

  • Project Managers
  • Managers and Sponsors Employees of the PMO department
  • Members of the project team
  • Business analysts
  • Team Leaders
  • Software Developers / Developers
  • System/database administrators
  • Communications experts, networks
  • Product managers

Note: Although not required, we recommend that participants in this course have at least 1 year of experience in IT-specific projects.

What do participants get?

By the end of this course you will:

  • Know the accepted and used general project management practices and techniques
  • Learn how to plan, execute and monitor an IT project
  • Develop the ability to formalize the requirements correctly and completely
  • Understand the importance of effectively managing changes in projects
  • Take the next step in your career as an IT project manager
  • Learn to communicate better within the project through a collaborative approach
  • Use risk management to maximize results
  • Learn project status reporting techniques taking into account the communication needs of stakeholders

CompTIA Project+ course trainers

Marian Stirbescu

Senior Trainer Project Management, PMP, CompTIA Project+

Certified trainer with experience in project management, project director and sponsor roles. Author of project management methodologies, he brings a practical approach and the useful experiences in various industries and types of projects to the classroom.

Mihai Mlesnita Trainer Axioma
Mihai Mlesnita

PMP Certified Trainer, CompTIA Project +

PMP certified trainer with rich experience in traditional and Agile project management, in Romania and globally. Mihai is a pleasant presence, attentive to the needs of students, willing to offer help by sharing relevant experiences.

Study materials

Comptia Study Guide

Participants receive CompTIA Project + Study Guide: Exam PK0-004, Kim Heldman and William Heldman

Agenda CompTIA Project+

The topics are delivered in an interactive format with frequently used scenarios covering the following areas:

  • Defining and understanding projects
  • Roles and responsibilities in projects
  • Project Charter Initiation and Authorization
  • Project coverage area – the creation of a WBS
  • Defining the project calendar
  • Resource planning and management
  • Defining the project budget and risk plans
  • Communication of the plan
  • Management of change requests and procurement documents
  • Project Management and Documentation Tools
  • Project simulation on teams

Note: For the detailed agenda please contact us

Dedicated to IT professionals

I learned and grew up as an IT project manager. We know what it means to go straight to the “target” without excessive formalities and without ballast. In 2012 we brought This course to Romania, a course that prepares you for the role of IT project manager and offers you the possibility to follow the CompTIA Project + certification, the most suitable solution for many of us.

Marian Stirbescu – PMP, Senior Trainer, CompTIA Project + Axioma Solutions

Advantages of CompTIA Project+

Moderate difficulty

Compared to other Project Management certifications CompTIA Project + is the most accessible certification in terms of exam difficulty

International recognition

CompTIA Project + certification is internationally recognized

Dedicated to IT

CompTIA Project + certification is intended for those who manage small and medium-sized IT projects

Based on the PMBoK

The body of knowledge is based on PMBoK-Project Management Body of Knowledge from PMI

Unlimited validity

Once obtained, the certification is valid “for life” and does not require renewal


The total cost of certification is one of the lowest, and the cost of recertification is non-existent

Interested in the exam?

  • Exam code: PK0-004
  • Description: CompTIA Project + certification is designed for professionals who coordinate or manage small and medium-sized projects in the IT environment.
  • The exam certifies the level of knowledge and skills needed to manage the entire project life cycle and ensure an appropriate level of quality, resource management, stakeholder management and maintenance of project documentation.
  • Number of questions: 95
  • Type of questions: Multiple choice (one answer), Multiple select (multiple answers) or with visual choices (drag and drops)
  • Test duration: 90 minutes
  • Passing score: 710 (on a scale of 100 to 900)
  • Recommended experience: at least 12 months of accumulated experience in projects or equivalent education
  • Language: English
  • Test options: Pearson VUE centers
  • Exam price: 287 Euro
  • Details: More details can be found on the official CompTIA Project + certification page

Note: Access to the exam is purchased from the portal


We offer price options for individual participation and for groups.
For groups of more than 10 participants variable discount is included for courses dedicated to your organization.

PrIce per participant

1-9 participants


For individual participation or groups of up to 9 participants


price per group

10-15 participants


Fixed price for groups of 10 to 15 participants


*All prices are VAT Exclusive

Customized training

Dedicated sessions

Dedicated sessions are available for a minimum of 8 participants.

Looking for something different?

Is this option not quite what you’re seeking? Give us a sign and we’ll help with a personalised solution.

In-house sessions

Do you have a group of at least 8 colleagues interested in this topic and would you like to organize a dedicated session for your company? 

Let’s get in touch!

Are you looking for something different?

If this isn’t exactly what you’re after, let us know, and we’ll develop a tailored solution for you. Access our contact information here.

© Copyright information

CompTIA Project + is a registered trademark of CompTIA Inc.