Emotional Intelligence for Leaders Course

A course for discovering and strengthening
the emotional intelligence of leaders

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The Challenge

What is the secret behind leading high-performing teams?

Beyond relationships, expertise and hierarchy, the ability to interact positively on a human level is a vital skill for those who lead.

To lead others you need to know yourself first and foremost. What are those situations in which you feel good in your role? What do you consider to be the difficult challenges, the ones that are hard to overcome? How do you understand and manage your emotions depending on the situation and the person you are interacting with?

There are many questions, but also many solutions. This you will discover by attending the Emotional Intelligence for Leaders course.

Training Summary

A course for understanding and managing your own emotions and for learning how to interact with others according to your emotional state

2 days TBD English, Romanian In-class Virtual, Remote

Who should attend?

The following profiles will benefit from this course:

  • Team Leaders and Supervisors
  • Managers and Coordinators
  • Project Managers
  • Product Managers, SCRUM Masters
  • Directors
  • Experienced employees actively involved in the professional development of colleagues

New Challenges, Same Questions

  • What is the maturity level of my emotional intelligence?
  • What are the areas of competence that benefit me in my role?
  • What are my instinctive reaction patterns that sabotage my professional work?
  • What is the minimum inventory of emotions to recognize and address?
  • What areas of behavioural development do I need to work on?

Emotional Intelligence for Leaders trainers

Sorin Cantor Trainer Axioma
Sorin Cantor

Trainer and Consultant

Certified trainer, with experience in leadership, relationship management and emotional intelligence. Sorin is passionate about the world of emotions and its connection to proper relationship management, wellness and longevity.

Nicoleta Raduta Trainer Axioma
Nicoleta Raduta

Senior Trainer

Certified senior trainer, and creator of assessment and certification programs. Nicoleta is concerned with refining methods to increase results in terms of professional excellence. She offers unique experiences to participants, using an appropriate mix of techniques centred on involving and developing people.

Marian Stirbescu

Senior Trainer, ACL Coach

Certified trainer, with experience in project management, management and operations. Marian is passionate about human nature and is constantly concerned with how you can interact productively with others.

Emotional Intelligence for Leaders Course Agenda

Topics are delivered in an experiential format, covering the following areas:

  • Emotional intelligence in leadership – the Genos model
  • The Conscientious Leader
  • The Authentic Leader
  • The Expansive Leader
  • The Resilient Leader
  • The Inspirational Leader
  • Support Skills Inventory
  • 1 on 1 discussion and coaching to create your development plan

Follow-up Agenda

A day of skill-building and knowledge refinement

  • Short recap
  • Review of individual experiences related to leadership development, marking progress
  • Two experiential activities
  • Self-assessment of the skill development level for sustaining productive interaction

Why attend this course on emotional intelligence for leaders?

Our professional life offers us opportunities for understanding and development through which we continuously grow

Emotional Intelligence for Leaders Course
Advantages for you


Discover how to improve the way you connect with others

Communication and influence

You will learn some productive communication and influencing strategies


Provide an example of a person who can manage their emotions for quality relationships and well-being

Conscious leadership

You become aware of the behaviours necessary for leadership and collaboration

Genos tools support the delivery of the Emotional Intelligence for Leaders course

  • Self-knowledge – Before you can develop/lead others you need to know yourself
  • Understanding and adapting interaction/communication preferences
  • Consciously grasping the recommended behaviours (Like this/ Not like this) for each colleague’s profile as a way to approach and communicate
  • Practice for: adaptation and management

Nota: costul profilelor Genos este inclus in pretul cursului

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We offer price options for individual participation and for groups.
For groups of more than 10 participants variable discount is included for courses dedicated to your organization.

PrIce per participant

1-9 participants


For individual participation or groups of up to 9 participants


price per group

10-15 participants


Fixed price for groups of 10 to 15 participants


*All prices are VAT Exclusive

Customized training

Dedicated sessions

Dedicated sessions are available for a minimum of 8 participants.

Looking for something different?

Is this option not quite what you’re seeking? Give us a sign and we’ll help with a personalised solution.

Registration – Emotional Intelligence for Leaders 

Send us an email at training@axioma-solutions.co.uk

Are you looking for something different?

Emotional Intelligence for Leaders – If this isn’t exactly what you’re after, let us know, and we’ll develop a tailored solution for you. Access our contact information here.

Copyright information

Genos® is a registered trademark of Genos International. For details visit https://www.genosinternational.com/