Leadership trainer accreditation

Action Centred Leadership (ACL)

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Axioma Solutions invites you to a unique event organized by Axioma Solutions in collaboration with Adair Leadership. This is the Action Centred Leadership training and accreditation session for trainers concerned with the delivery of management and leadership courses.

The ACL model is the world’s longest running Leadership model (also called the DNA of Leadership) and is used as a leadership skills training platform for millions of managers worldwide.

At the moment Romania is the only country on the continent to offer such an accreditation in collaboration with Adair Leadership at about one third of the cost of UK accreditation, using the same materials, the same accreditation methodology and the same level of quality supervision of delivery.

Training Summary

This course is the starting point for the accreditation of trainers in the Action Centered Leadership model developed by John Adair and supported globally by Adair Leadership and its partners.

3 days TBD English, Romanian In-class Virtual, Remote
Imagine Logo Acreditare traineri Leadership Axioma

What is ACL (Action Centred Leadership) ?

Imagine Modelul ACL Axioma
  • The leadership model developed by John Adair
  • It is known as the 3 circles model
  • The ACL (Action Centred Leadership) model is considered to be the DNA of leadership
  • The model defines leadership competencies in relation to the leader’s responsibilities to the task, the team and the individual
  • Probably the most practical approach to developing leadership skills: easy to learn and apply
  • The most accessible leadership development platform for leaders based on a current leadership model
  • Millions of managers worldwide have participated in ACL training programs

Leadership trainer accreditation course trainer and evaluator

The course is delivered both in Romanian and in English by the first Romanian trainer accredited by Action Centered Leadership (ACL) in the quality standard defined by Adair Leadership.

Marian Stirbescu

Managing Director – Axioma Solutions

Senior Trainer, Speaker & ACL Coach ; Marian is the first ACL accredited trainer in Romania with over 10 years of experience in delivering programs for national and multinational companies.

  • Adair Leadership ACL Accredited Trainer – Team Level (UK – Martie 2013)
  • ACL Accredited Trainer – Adair Leadership – Operational Level (Iunie 2014)
  • ACL Accredited Trainer – Adair Leadership – Strategic Level (Ianuarie 2018)
  • ACL Accredited Coach (Octombrie 2014)

Leadership trainer accreditation benefits

  • You will receive the trainer’s manual “How to Deliver an ACL Course” which includes a detailed method of delivery of all learning activities, including worksheets and templates used during the practical exercises and games. The manual is accompanied by the reproducible electronic format of the exercise worksheets and presentation slides.
  • You will receive a license to use the Adair Leadership logo for accredited trainers as well as a certification diploma.
  • You will be able to incorporate ACL content into larger programs or training and leadership academies.
  • You will have the freedom to tailor the course duration to meet the internal requirements of your organization. The trainer’s manual already includes predefined scenarios depending on the number of participants and the desired duration of the seminar as a starting point for customization initiatives.

  • You will have the opportunity to strengthen your reputation as a trainer by delivering an innovative, fun- packed and results-oriented approach.
  • Gain the opportunity to train your course participants using a proven method that produces concrete results for your organization.
  • At the end of the program you will have both the materials and the practical recipe for a course that can be delivered as early as the second day.
  • Participants who successfully pass the evaluation session will be listed on the Adair Leadership website in the Trainer Directory section.

Leadership trainer accreditation course agenda

This course addresses the fundamentals of ACL and provides the skills needed to organize and deliver ACL training sessions

  • Approaches in leadership:
    • Leadership based on personal qualities, Situational Approach
    • Functional Leadership
  • Common needs for task, team and individual – 3 Circles Model
  • Leadership Functions – Team Level
    • Defining tasks, planning, informing, controlling, support, motivation, evaluating and setting an example to follow
  • Leadership Functions – Operational Level (Manager of Managers)
  • The leader’s role
  • Satellite theories: Maslow, Herzberg, Mc Gregor, Tannenbaum & Schimdt, Motivation from John Adair’s perspective
  • Exam Preparation
  • Accreditation exam

The evaluation process,

additional information,

terms and conditions

  • Before the course: Although not mandatory, we recommend that participants read one of the following titles before the course: “Develop you leadership skills”, “How to grow leaders” or “Effective Leadership”. These titles are available in English on amazon.com in Kindle format at modest prices.
  • A recommended title in Romanian is “How to train leaders” by Meteor Press available in bookstores and online. Those who register for the course can receive a free copy from Axioma in advance.
  • The first two days of the course are dedicated to knowledge transfer and the course will be delivered in blocks, very similar to the way you will deliver this training later on.
  • The evaluation will take place during the third day and consists of delivering a block of knowledge in front of the evaluators and the training room, accompanied by the facilitation of an activity for better understanding.
  • It is recommended that the first delivery of a course in your company is done with an Axioma accredited trainer who will provide feedback, coaching and guidance to help you make the smooth transition to the professional level of ACL course delivery.
  • Attending the course does not guarantee accreditation. If you are unsuccessful in achieving accreditation you will be given an extended period to prepare and resume your topic presentation at a later date.
  • Limitations: The course delivery license for in-house trainers does not allow you to accredit other trainers in the ACL model.


We offer price options for individual participation and for groups.
For groups of more than 10 participants variable discount is included for courses dedicated to your organization.

PrIce per participant

1-9 participants


For individual participation or groups of up to 9 participants


price per group

10-15 participants


Fixed price for groups of 10 to 15 participants


*All prices are VAT Exclusive

Note: Price includes the annual trainer license tax for the first year.
The Annual trainer license tax is payable to Adair Leadership at the start of every year.

Customized training

Dedicated sessions

Dedicated sessions are available for a minimum of 8 participants.

Looking for something different?

Is this option not quite what you’re seeking? Give us a sign and we’ll help with a personalised solution.

Registration- Leadership trainer accreditation

Send us an email at training@axioma-solutions.co.uk

Find out more!

What does Action Centred Leadership – ACL mean? Read this article.

Who is John Adair ? See John’s profile here: http://www.johnadair.co.uk/

If you want to speak to one of our trainers send us a message with your contact information at training@axioma-solutions.co.uk and we will respond as quickly as possible.

Want to get certified in the UK?

Visit the Adair Leadership site for the upcoming accreditation sessions: https://adairleadership.org/acl