PRINCE2® Practitioner

Pass your exam with confidence

Prince Practitionar Cover

Why get certified as a PRINCE2 Practitioner?

The PRINCE2 Practitioner Certification is one of the most widely-recognized project management certifications in the world. 

The PRINCE2 project management training exam is a globally recognized professional certification that demonstrates an individual’s ability to effectively manage projects.
It is also the industry standard for project management in many organizations.

A PRINCE2 Practitioner certification confirms that you have the necessary knowledge and understanding to apply and tailor the PRINCE2 method in a range of different project environments.

Are you ready?

Training summary

This two-day training enables participants to learn how to use the PRINCE2® Project Management method in a real-life situation by going through two complete test exams and by analysing the ‘Managing Successful Projects with PRINCE2’ book in detail to understand how all the PRINCE2 elements work together.

2 days TBD English In-class Virtual, Remote

Who should attend?

The following profiles will benefit from this course:

  • Participants who are involved in managing a project using PRINCE2 and who want to take the official PRINCE2 Practitioner exam.

Prerequisites for PRINCE2 Practitioner course


What do participants get?

By the end of this course the participants will:

  • Understand the basics of PRINCE2 Project Management 
  • Know the basic differences between the Principles, Themes, and Processes 
  • Be prepared for the PRINCE2 Foundation ? exam

PRINCE2 Practitioner course trainer

Peter Krischel
Peter Krischel

Prince2 Trainer

Peter trained over 10,000 people in methods like PRINCE2 in more than 20 countries. His passion is to share his knowledge and learn from others since he strongly believes that people and organizations should never stop learning. 

Agenda-Topics covered

The subjects are delivered in active learning format, with frequent use scenarios, covering the following areas: Day 1 

  • Summary of the PRINCE2 method 
  • Analysis of the Managing Successful Project with PRINCE2 book 
  • PRINCE2 Test Exam 1 

Day 2 

  • Various Practitioner practical exercises 
  • Review and analysis of PRINCE2 Test Exam 2

Educational approach

This training is based on both theory and practice 

Sessions of lectures illustrated with examples based on real cases 

Review exercises to assist the exam preparation 

Practice test similar to the certification exam 

To benefit from the practical exercises, the number of training participants is limited

Materials included

Upon registration for the course, the following are included:

  • PRINCE2 Event Manual with slides and exercises 
  • PRINCE2 Trigger Map 
  • Access to our online classroom support environment


We offer price options for individual participation and for groups.
For groups of more than 10 participants variable discount is included for courses dedicated to your organization.

PrIce per participant

1-9 participants


For individual participation or groups of up to 9 participants

price per group

10-15 participants


Fixed price for groups of 10 to 15 participants

*All prices are VAT Exclusive

Note: Price includes virtual training + Exam voucher + Online official PRINCE2 manual + Online ‘Managing Successful Projects with PRINCE2’ manual. The exam vouchers are valid for 12 months, meaning that the attendees do not have to take the exam at the end of the training course.


We offer price options for individual participation and for groups.
For groups of more than 10 participants variable discount is included for courses dedicated to your organization.

PrIce per participant

1-9 participants


For individual participation or groups of up to 9 participants

price per group

10-15 participants


Fixed price for groups of 10 to 15 participants

*All prices are VAT Exclusive

Note: Price includes virtual training + Exam voucher + Online official PRINCE2 manual + Online ‘Managing Successful Projects with PRINCE2’ manual. The exam vouchers are valid for 12 months, meaning that the attendees do not have to take the exam at the end of the training course.

Customized training

Dedicated sessions

Dedicated sessions are available for a minimum of 8 participants.

Looking for something different?

Is this option not quite what you’re seeking? Give us a sign and we’ll help with a personalised solution.


Do you have a group of at least 8 colleagues interested in this topic and would you like to organize a dedicated session for your company?

Send us an email at

Are you looking for something else?

If this isn’t exactly what you’re after, let us know, and we’ll develop a tailored solution for you. Access our contact information here.

© Copyright information 

PRINCE® is a (registered) Trade Mark of AXELOS Limited. All rights reserved.

This training course is delivered in partnership with the Accredited PRINCE2 Training Organization Polychor Capital SRL.