Telesales course – iCall
Training for
Selling over the phone
Course on essential techniques for an impactful approach over the phone
The Challenge
Training Summary
A course in telephone interaction techniques where participants will learn how to overcome blockages, deal with objections and achieve their objectives more easily, gaining the trust of customers and the ability to adapt easily to the specifics of each call
Who should attend?
- Sales people interested in developing telephone selling skills
- Team leaders and call centre managers
What do participants get?
By the end of this course, you will:
- Gain a thorough grasp of the knowledge and techniques used in the telephone approach
- Gain a clear understanding of the types of objections and the ability to deal with them naturally
- Improve on the ability to personalize messages according to the customer during the phone call
- Gain the ability to increase success rates and achieve monthly goals
- Be able to overcome discussion bottlenecks through a collaborative approach
- Be able to approach phone calls with confidence
Adrian Badea
Senior Trainer, Consultant
Trainer certificat cu experienta in vanzari, management si resurse umane. Adrian este preocupat permanent de rafinarea modului in care poti sa influentezi printr-o comunicare constienta.
Marian Stirbescu
Senior Trainer, Consultant
Trainer certificat, experienta in value selling si dezvoltarea echipelor de vanzari de solutii. Marian este autorul modelului de valoare si al instrumentului Selling Preference Profile (SPP-1).
Nicoleta Raduta
Senior Trainer, Consultant
Senior trainer certificat, creator de programe de evaluare si certificare. Nicoleta este preocupata de rafinarea metodelor de crestere a rezultatelor in termeni de excelenta profesionala. Ofera experiente unice participantilor, utilizand un mix adecvat de tehnici centrate pe implicarea si dezvoltarea oamenilor de vanzari.
ICall course agenda
- About telephone sales
- Skills Inventory
- How do customers buy?
- About customer needs and value
Communication skills
- Formulating the pretext
- Impactful questions
- Appropriate answers
- Active listening
Sales interaction
- Connecting on call
- Identifying needs
- Proposing a solution
- When the customer says “NO”
- Finalising the sale
Follow-up Agenda
- Progress self-assessment
- Review experience of practical use
- Practice to reinforce skills
- Clarification of difficult situations
- Instant feedback on calls with real clients (depending on the level, how participants have progressed)
•We recommend a follow-up session after 4-6 weeks from the date of completion of this course, in order to allow sufficient time for practice.
We offer price options for individual participation and for groups.
For groups of more than 10 participants variable discount is included for courses dedicated to your organization.
PrIce per participant
1-9 participants
For individual participation or groups of up to 9 participants
price per group
10-15 participants
Fixed price for groups of 10 to 15 participants
*All prices are VAT Exclusive
We offer price options for individual participation and for groups.
For groups of more than 10 participants variable discount is included for courses dedicated to your organization.
PrIce per participant
1-9 participants
For individual participation or groups of up to 9 participants
price per group
10-15 participants
Fixed price for groups of 10 to 15 participants
*All prices are VAT Exclusive
Customized training
Dedicated sessions
Dedicated sessions are available for a minimum of 8 participants.
Looking for something different?
Is this option not quite what you’re seeking? Give us a sign and we’ll help with a personalised solution.
Registration – Telesales course
Are you wondering if it’s time to offer this training to your sales team, or do you have colleagues who are interested and would like to organize an online course for your company?Send us an email at
Are you looking for something different?
If this isn’t exactly what you’re after, let us know, and we’ll develop a tailored solution for you. Access our contact information here.